Spring Batch
Spring Batch is a lightweight framework for building batch processing applications in Java. It provides a set of reusable components for reading, processing, and writing large amounts of data in a batch job. Here is a detailed cheatsheet to help you get started with Spring Batch:
Spring Batch Architecture
Spring Batch consists of several components, including the following:
Job: A batch job that consists of one or more steps.
Step: A single unit of processing within a batch job.
ItemReader: A component that reads input data and returns it as a Java object.
ItemProcessor: A component that processes input data and returns a modified Java object.
ItemWriter: A component that writes output data to a destination.
JobLauncher: A component that starts a batch job and returns the job execution status.
JobRepository: A component that stores the metadata for all batch jobs and their executions.
Spring Batch Jobs
A Spring Batch job consists of one or more steps, each of which is responsible for reading, processing, and writing data.
The job is defined using a configuration file, which specifies the steps, the item reader, the item processor, and the item writer.
A job can be launched using the JobLauncher component, which returns the status of the job execution.
Spring Batch Steps
A Spring Batch step is responsible for reading, processing, and writing a chunk of data.
The step is defined using a configuration file, which specifies the item reader, the item processor, and the item writer.
The step can also include a tasklet, which is a custom component that performs a specific task, such as file deletion or database cleanup.
Spring Batch ItemReader
The ItemReader component is responsible for reading data from a source, such as a file or a database.
Spring Batch provides several built-in ItemReader implementations, such as FlatFileItemReader for reading data from a flat file, JdbcCursorItemReader for reading data from a database, and JpaPagingItemReader for reading data from a JPA repository.
Spring Batch ItemProcessor
The ItemProcessor component is responsible for processing input data and returning a modified Java object.
Spring Batch provides a simple ItemProcessor interface that can be implemented to create custom data processing logic.
Spring Batch ItemWriter
The ItemWriter component is responsible for writing output data to a destination, such as a file or a database.
Spring Batch provides several built-in ItemWriter implementations, such as FlatFileItemWriter for writing data to a flat file, JdbcBatchItemWriter for writing data to a database, and JpaItemWriter for writing data to a JPA repository.
Spring Batch is a powerful framework for building batch processing applications in Java. By using Spring Batch, you can easily read, process, and write large amounts of data in a batch job. The framework provides a set of reusable components and best practices that can help you to build efficient and scalable batch jobs.
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