⭐Question Set 2
Java Programming
What is covariant?
Real life examples of features of OOPS.
What are wrapper classes?
Write a implementation for Predicate functional interface
Functional Interface implementation Dynamically with Lambda
Junit Test case for addition of two numbers
Difference between Java 7 and Java 8.
How to clone an object in Java?
Can a static inner class be present within a non-static class?
When do you get the ClassNotFound error in Java?
Does Java have pointers or references?
What is the difference between i++ and ++i in Java?
What is the Collections class and Arrays class in Java?
Maven exclusion and scope related questions
Reflection in Java.
What is an Enum in Java?
What is the Map collection in Java?
Difference between Enumerator and Iterator in Java
What is the difference between a static block and instance block in Java?
What is Generics in Java and how to implement mutable and immutable objects?
Collections & Data Structures
Explain List, ArrayList and Set
Comparison of HashSet and HashMap in Java
What is the internal working of HashMap and HashSet in Java?
What is collision in HashMap/Hashtable in Java?
What is the use of Optional feature in Java 8? Can you provide an example?
What is the hierarchy of Collection and Exception classes in Java?
Strings & Memory Management
String compare and string constant pool questions
How to check equality of two string literals
Why is String immutable if it can be assigned a new value?
How string variables are stored in memory?
What happens if a new variable is created with the same value?
How memory is allocated to String?
Exception Handling
Explain ConcurrentModificationException
Revisit checked and unchecked exceptions.
Exception hierarchy and why Throwable is used.
How to create custom exceptions.
Types of exception handling.
Checked vs unchecked exceptions.
Throw vs Throws vs Throwable.
Deciding between Checked or Unchecked exceptions for user defined exceptions
Java 8 Features
Parallel Stream
Functional Interface
Difference between Stream API and Collections framework
Why static methods introduced in Interface from Java 8?
Can one functional interface extend another functional interface?
What is the difference between intermediate and terminal operation in stream API?
Map and filter
Functional Interface
Stream API
How to group elements in a stream using GroupBy?
How to sort elements in a stream using Sorted?
What are Terminal and Intermediary operations in the Stream API?
What is future in Executor framework
Difference between submit and execute methods
How to use execute methods
Synchronization topic: serialized vs. synchronized and ways to achieve synchronization.
Threads: Thread limit, executor, etc.
Design Patterns
Explain factory design pattern
What are design patterns
Explain design patterns used in your application with code
SQL question to find the student with maximum cost
What is Microservice
Command used to access a container
Kubernetes commands
What is Kubernetes and its function
Producer, consumer, predicate, supplier
How to create and manage JMS.
What is Callable/Future and how to achieve async in Java?
What is ThreadPoolExecutor and how to manage threads using it?
How to get the result from an async operation?
How to handle exceptions from a Runnable?
What is ExecutorService and how does it differ from Error and Exception?
How to handle an OutOfMemoryError and what are the workarounds for it?
Write code to get customer accounts by id
What is REST API
Conflicting questions about REST methods like POST for response data
Idempotent in REST API with example
Java Lambda expression - program to get employees from a List of List of employees whose age is less than 40
Array Operations: Second max value from array
Design Patterns: Immutability, singleton
What is JPA
What is Entity
What is Entity scan
ORM framework used
What is @Qualifier annotation
What is @Required annotation
How to use the remove in JPA cascading operations
Git merge conflict scenarios
Git commit scenarios
JUnit & Testing
What is Mockito and why it is used
Explain Junit testing with example
What is Sonarqube
What is Normalization in SQL (1NF, 2NF, BCNF, etc.)?
What is the difference between Pointers and References in C++?
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